Monday, July 6, 2015

Documentary Response 2

Venus de Milo

The Venus de Milo, actually named Aphrodite of Milos, is an ancient Greek sculpture believed to have been sculpted BCE.  It was discovered on the island of Milos in 1820, hence the name. Historians have theorized that the sculptor of the statue was Alexandros of Antioch, but there is no way to know for sure.  The sculpture represents the Greek goddess Aphrodite; she stands 6 feet and 8 inches tall.  In addition, it is commonly known that she is missing her arms.

This statue represented a strong, powerful female figure.  She is larger than life, and is a favorite at the Louvre as evident by the numerous visitors snapping pictures.

Winged Victory of Samothrace

The Winged Victory of Samothrace, also known as Nike of Samothrace, is another ancient Greek statue of a goddess.  The statue represents Nike, the goddess of Victory.  It is believed that the statue was constructed in 2nd century BCE by Pythokritos of Rhodes.  The statue was originally found on the island of Samothrace and was placed in the Louvre in 1884.  Nike stands eight feet tall and is missing her head.

I really connected with this sculpture because of it's complete dominance in the room.  She appears powerful and strong.  I have never connected with a piece of art like I connected with Nike.  It was actually pretty incredible to experience something like that.  Unfortunately, the pictures I took came out blurry.

The Mona Lisa 

La Gioconda, or Mona Lisa, as she is more commonly referred is the most popular work of art currently on display at the Louvre.  Leonardo da Vinci painted this work of art between 1503 and 1506.  Supposedly, it is a portrait of a woman named Lisa Gherardini.  Since she landed in the Louvre in 1797, Mona Lisa has been continually restored and cared for.  The painting rests behind bullet proof glass due to numerous attempts to vandalize it.  The painting, smaller than expected, is only 30 inches by 21 inches.  The Mona Lisa's true calling card, though, is her mysterious eyes and smile.

Because I was making a trip to the Louvre, I of course had to go see Mona Lisa.  Once in the room, I was overwhelmed by the amount of people crowded around this little tiny painting.  I made my way to the front and could not really focus on the painting because I was trying to hold my spot.  In my selfie, Mona Lisa is not completely in the picture, and I look terrified for fear that I may be pushed over!  I wish I had more time to actually look at the painting, but I am thrilled that I had the opportunity to get close and see her in person.

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